AI app spending $20 to get $10 revenue? 🤔

PLUS: TikTok add AI, Adobe unveils Project Stardust...

Hey all, here’s what we have today;

🛠 AI tools to checkout - Navigate the maze of AI regulations with ease.

AssistRai - Your AI-powered assistant for research articles.

Horizon Hub - Dive deep into the world of AI with curated content.

SoundVerse - Unleash your audio creativity with AI magic.

VModel - AI Fashion Models - Revolutionizing fashion photography with virtual models.

Copilot2trip - An AI-powered travel assistant that crafts perfect itineraries with real-time recommendations.

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📰 Top AI News

Microsoft's AI Misstep: A Costly Affair? - A recent report reveals that Microsoft's AI venture, GitHub Copilot, priced at $10 per month, led to losses of over $20 per user per month in early 2023. Some users even cost Microsoft as much as $80 per month, raising concerns about the sustainability of such AI projects.

Generative AI's Icy Future in 2024? - Analysts predict a potential slowdown for generative AI in 2024. The forecast hints at a reality check for the rapidly advancing technology.

Tech Billionaire's Immortal Quest with AI - A tech mogul suggests that humanity's survival might hinge on AI. The statement has sparked debates on our tech-dependent future.

TikTok Embraces AI-Powered Adobe Magic - TikTok integrates with AI-driven Adobe apps, enhancing content creation on the platform. This move is set to revolutionize how creators share content.

Adobe's Stardust: The Future of AI Photo Editing? - Adobe unveils Project Stardust, offering a glimpse into next-gen AI photo editing. The innovation challenges traditional editing norms.

AMD's AI Ambition: Catching Up to Nvidia? - AMD acquires AI startup Nod.AI in a bid to expand its AI software operations. This move is seen as a strategic step to compete more fiercely against Nvidia.

💰 AI Funding Rounds

Generative AI's Rising Star - PitchBook Data reveals a surge in deal count and funding for generative AI startups in Q3.'s Super Boost - secures a whopping $12.4 million to revolutionize IT management and services.'s Manufacturing Mastery - raises $5.3 million in seed funding, aiming to optimize semiconductor manufacturing with AI.

Music Meets AI - Innovate UK announces a £1m funding contest for AI-driven music projects, aiming to strengthen the UK music sector.

🎓AI University

Adobe's 'Stardust': The Game-Changer in Graphic Design! Why edit when you can just chat?

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